Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Deer Are Near!

Hello Everyone,

I apologize for not posting recently but I've been out of cell range.

After completing the Blue Ridge Mountains it was on to Shenandoah National Park. I'm currently about two thirds done with the park and taking my sweet time in completing it. It's been very hot here lately and it's really draining to haul ones self and a pack up and down a mountain (or five) everyday. So, since this park has fee based campgrounds (with showers and laundry) as well as lodges, I've basically been taking advantage of the amenities available. What's NOT readily available, apparently, are cell towers, since I can't seem to get a signal anywhere. I'm currently receiving a "1G" signal so who knows if this will even transmit. Fingers crossed, it will.

What this park has a ton of is wildlife. I've seen more bears, white tail deer, raccoons, assorted birds and ticks than anywhere else on the trail. The other day I had a close encounter with a bear. After passing it, he decided to turn around and follow me for a while. It was a tad bit unsettling but the bear eventually tired of the "scare the hiker game" and must have decided to go find an unattended backpack or improperly hung food bag to score a snack.

About four days ago, Koopa and her three brothers (who hiked with us for a week) had a face to face with a momma bear and three puppy sized cubs. Luckily it turned out okay but she staged a false charge at them and then stood up on her back legs in order to force a retreat. I would have liked to have seen that but, to be honest, was glad to have been elsewhere when the whole thing went down.

Luckily for me, I've been surrounded by white tail deer much more often than bear. Here's a picture of a pretty girl who came to investigate me while I was taking a break for lunch. By the time I got my phone turned on she'd already walked away but was kind enough to look back so I could snap this shot.

Happy Trails Everyone,

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


  1. Yay for cell coverage! It worked - so glad to get the update! We've thought of you with the heat and humidity - hang in there!! So glad the bear got tired before you did! love you! xo B

  2. Glad to see you are alive and well in this heat! Good luck!

  3. Greetings Yahtzee ~~~ !!! I've heard rumblings of the East Coast heat waves !!! Yuck ! I am just coming back from vacation too!! Have a few bug bites, and all I can think about is the 21+ you had on your elbow ! So, I'm ever so humbled my the 6 I have on my arms ! BOY, I LOATHE ITCHING THOUGH !!!! Always good to hear from you when we get to ! ♥ ya !

  4. Honey, Thought we taught you to stay away from bugs and other nasty things,The weather and sights are beautiful back there and you will never forget them. I have never forgotten the sights I saw with my Dad.My favorite one was the buffalo crossing the plains running wild.Love Auntie


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